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Parent/Guardian Homepage

Important Announcements

We Want Your Feedback! Complete the SurveyWorks Survey by March 31st

Dear Families,

The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) invites you to participate in the annual SurveyWorks Family Survey. This is a valuable opportunity to share your thoughts on school safety, teaching practices, facilities, and your connection to our school community.

Your feedback is completely anonymous and plays a crucial role in helping our school leadership improve and grow.

🗓️ Open: January 21 – March 31
🌐 Links to the Survey:

Surveys are also available in other languages. Please select our school from the dropdown menu to begin.

📌 Note: Students and faculty will receive a different link sent directly by administration.

Thank you for helping us build a stronger, more connected school community!

Parent-Teacher Conferences Sign Up for Time Slots

Parent-Teacher Conferences have been scheduled for Thursday, March 27th from 6pm to 8pm.  This is an in-person event where you can sit with your child's teacher or counselor to discuss your child's progress. With the 4th quarter of the school year rapidly approaching, this is an excellent time to hear directly from your child's teacher or counselor about the actions your child can take to ensure the '24-'25 school year is/remains a success.

Appointments are necessary and can be scheduled via Skyward. By scheduling an appointment your child's teacher or counselor can be fully prepared to meet. Click here for Skyward instructions to create individual 5-minute appointments. Please make all appointments no later than next Wednesday, March 26th. If an interpreter would be helpful for your appointments, contact Felicia Morrobel at or 401-335-5596 by Thursday, March 20th.

Families Homepage

Welcome, Parents and Guardians of Current Davies Students (Grades 9-12)! 

We are excited to have your student enrolled at Davies! For the most up-to-date and detailed information regarding school announcements, events, and your child's academic progress, please use ParentSquare. This platform is where you will find important updates, communicate with teachers, and access essential school resources.

If you need assistance or have any questions about using ParentSquare, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at Let’s work together for a successful school year!

What is Davies' Home School Compact?

As we strive for academic excellence and a high level of literacy for all of our students we realize that an educational institution cannot accomplish this goal alone. When a partnership exists between school, family and student and the goals and responsibilities for each party are clear, student achievement will improve. The following is a compact, which is a voluntary agreement between Davies’ administration and staff and our families and students with the sole purpose of helping all of our students to reach their full academic potential.


Family Responsibilities (Read the full compact here)

1. Through collaboration, participate with school staff in creating a school vision and quality educational program that is understood and embraced by all.

2. Communicate to my child the value of an education and provide home support for the educational process.

3. Establish a study time with my child and provide a quiet, distraction free environment.

4. Participate in training opportunities with staff to improve teaching and learning.

5. Communicate regularly with the school.

6. Respect the school, staff, students and families.


Family Workshops      Join the Parent-Educator Relations Committee!


Programs used at Davies

Skyward: Skyward is the student information system used by Davies, where parents can access their child's grades, attendance, class schedules, and other important academic information. It serves as a tool for keeping track of your child's progress throughout the school year.

How to Access Skyward (Grades)

Access Skyward (Grades)

ParentSquare: ParentSquare is the communication platform Davies uses to share important school updates, event notifications, and messages with parents. It allows for direct communication between parents, teachers, and school staff, and is where you can stay connected with your child's school activities.

How to Access ParentSquare (School Information) (English) ParentSquare Training Video (English) 

Cómo Acceder a ParentSquare (Información Escolar) (Español) Video de Capacitación de ParentSquare (Español)

Access ParentSquare


Frequently Dialed Numbers

Attendance Office (available 24 hours):
Phone: 401.728.1500, ext. 320
Please include your name, the student’s name, and a contact number where you can be reached.

School Counselors’ Office:
Phone: 401.728.1500, ext. 425
To find your student's school counselor, visit the school counselors’ office website.

Felicia Morrobel (Parent Liaison):
Phone: 401.728.1500, ext. 304
Se habla español.

David Champagne (Student Management):
Phone: 401.728.1500, ext. 320

Staff Directory: Access the full directory here.


  • Attendance is a critical part of the education experience. It is important that every student is present for the entire school day, and for as many of the 180 days as possible. At Davies, attendance is the responsibility of the student and parents/guardians. Davies seeks to develop a partnership with parents/guardians to help and encourage students to attend school regularly.

    Chronic Absenteeism: The Rhode Island Department of Education has determined that students who are absent for 10% or more of the school year are classified as chronically absent and subject to investigation to determine truancy. The total number of absences considered is both excused and unexcused absences combined.

    Parents/Guardians must email or call the Attendance Office at 401-728-1500 x320 (available 24hrs) to report an absence. Please leave your name, the student’s name, and a number where you can be reached.

    Excused absences include:

    1. Medical appointment with doctor’s note (note must be given to the nurse);
    - For clarification purposes, the nurse publishes, via internal email, a list of students with excused absences or dismissals on a daily basis.
    2. Death of a member of the immediate family/funeral leaves;
    3. Court appearance/ Legal appointment: must be verified by court paper, summons, subpoena, or written verification from the attorney;
    4. Religious observance/practice - with written reason and verification from church official;
    5. License/permit appointment (one-half day excused for road test with proof; student must report to school)
    Please note: license renewals/registrations are not excused;
    6. Administrative action;
    - Time missed from class due to administrative action
    7. School-approved activities - approval of administration is required.
    - Field trips
    - Work-based learning experiences
    - Class meetings
    - Administrative meetings
    - Assemblies
    - Blood drive, flu shots, etc.

    Unexcused absences are extremely detrimental to the learning environment. As such, Davies takes every unexcused absence from school very seriously.

    Davies’ procedures for notification of unexcused absences are as follows:

    1. Students and parents/guardians will be notified through the automated voice messaging system on a daily basis of unexcused absences and tardiness to school.
    2. When a student has 10% or more of unexcused absences at any time during the school year, the student and parent/guardian will be notified by a letter, and a conference involving the Supervisor of Student Management and the Guidance Counselor will occur.
    3. In addition, students with 10% or more of unexcused absences at any point during the year may not participate in any student activities such as interscholastic sports events, class dances such as the prom, or at any activity in which the student represents the school. Any exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Director and the Supervisor of Student Management.
    4. Students who are absent from school may not participate or take part in practice sessions or activities or attend any school function on the same day they are absent unless they have received prior approval from the Office of Student Management.
    5. Students with chronic unexcused absenteeism will be identified as truant.
    6. Students may lose the privilege of attending WBL due to chronic absenteeism.


    All students must be in Advisory before the bell rings at 7:30 am. After 7:30, students are late to school. All students who are not in Advisory by the bell must report to the Office of Student Management to sign in to school in order to be admitted to classes. Not reporting to Advisory or not signing in to school will result in disciplinary action.

    Additional Information

    For full Attendance policies, please refer to your Student Handbook. For legal obligations of parents/guardians and students, please refer to RI General Law 16-19-1.

    Requisitos de Asistencia

    La asistencia es una parte crítica de la experiencia educativa. Es importante que cada estudiante esté presente durante todo el día escolar, y durante el mayor número de los 180 días que sea posible. En Davies, la asistencia es responsabilidad del estudiante y los padres/tutores. Davies busca desarrollar una asociación con los padres/tutores para ayudar y animar a los estudiantes a asistir a la escuela regularmente. Los padres/tutores deben llamar a la oficina de asistencia en 401.728.1500, ext. 320 (disponible 24 horas) para reportar una ausencia. Por favor, deje su nombre, el nombre del estudiante, y un número donde usted puede ser contactado.

    Ausentismo Crónico: El Departamento de Educación de Rhode Island ha determinado que los estudiantes que están ausentes  el 10% o más del año escolar se clasifican como ausentes crónicos y sujetos a investigación para determinar el absentismo escolar. El número total de ausencias consideradas son ausencias justificadas e injustificadas combinadas.

    Ausencias justificadas incluyen:

    Las ausencias injustificadas son extremadamente perjudiciales para el ambiente de aprendizaje. Como tal, Davies toma todas las ausencias injustificadas de la escuela muy seriamente. Los procedimientos de Davies para la notificación de ausencias injustificadas son los siguientes:


    Todos los estudiantes deben estar en el salon de Asesoria antes de que suene la campana a las 7:30 a.m. Después de las 7:30 los estudiantes llegan tarde a la escuela. Todos los estudiantes que no están en salon de Asesoria antes de que suene la campana deben reportarse a la Oficina de Administración Estudiantil para registrarse en la escuela para ser admitidos a clases. Si no se reporta al salon de Asesor o si no se registra en la escuela, se tomarán medidas disciplinarias.

    Información adicional

    Para las pólizas de asistencia completa, por favor refiérase al manual del estudiante. Para las obligaciones legales de los padres/tutores y estudiantes, por favor refiérase a la ley general 16-19-1 de RI.


    1. Cita médica con una nota del médico (nota debe ser entregada a la enfermera de la escuela); A efectos de clarificación, la enfermera publicará, a través de correo electrónico interno, una lista de estudiantes con ausencias justificadas o despidos diariamente.
    2. Fallecimiento de un miembro de los familiares inmediatas/funerarias/velorios;
    3. Comparecencia ante un tribunal /nombramiento legal: debe ser verificado por el documento de la corte, citación, o verificación escrita del abogado;
    4. Observancia/práctica religiosa-con la razón y la verificación escrita del funcionario de la iglesia;
    5. Cita de licencia/permiso de conducir (un mediodía justificado para la prueba de conducir con la prueba de la oficina; el estudiante debe presentarse a la escuela. Por favor note: las renovaciones/registros de la licencia no son excusados);
    6. Acción administrativa programada o tiempo perdido de clase debido a la acción administrativa
    7. Actividades aprobadas por la escuela-se requiere la aprobación de la administración. Esto incluye: viajes de campo experiencias de aprendizaje basadas en el trabajo, reuniones de clase, reuniones administrativas, asambleas, donación de sangre, vacunas contra la gripe, etc.
    8. Los estudiantes y los padres/tutores serán notificados a través del sistema automatizado de mensaje de voz diariamente, de ausencias injustificadas y tardanzas a la escuela.
    9. Cuando un estudiante tiene 10% o más de ausencias injustificadas en cualquier momento durante el año escolar, el estudiante y el padre / tutor serán notificados por una carta, y se realizará una conferencia con el Supervisor de Administración Estudiantil y el Consejero de Orientacion.
    10. Además, los estudiantes con un 10% o más de ausencias injustificadas en cualquier momento durante el año no pueden participar en ninguna actividad estudiantil, como eventos deportivos interescolares, bailes de clase como el baile o en cualquier actividad en la que el alumno represente colegio. Cualquier excepción a esta política queda a discreción del Director y el Supervisor de Administracion Estudiantil.
    11. 4. Los estudiantes que están ausentes de la escuela no pueden participar o participar en sesiones de práctica o actividades o asistir a ninguna función escolar el mismo día en que están ausentes, a menos que hayan recibido la aprobación previa de la Oficina de Administración Estudiantil.
    12. Los estudiantes con ausentismo injustificado crónico serán identificados como ausentes injustificados.
    13. Los estudiantes pueden perder el privilegio de asistir a WBL debido al ausentismo crónico.
  • You can view your student's grades at any time via Skyward. To learn more about how to utilize the Skyward, please click here.

    If you are concerned about your student's performance, please get in touch with your student's School Counselor or learn more about the educational support services we offer students. You can also keep track of your student's exam schedule and expected dates for progress reports to be mailed out on our School Counselors' Calendar.

  • Family vacations during scheduled school days will be considered unexcused absences. Students will be required to obtain work from their teachers before they leave for vacation. They must have their work completed and submitted to their teachers the day they return from vacation. Tests may be made up when it is convenient for the teacher. Davies strongly discourages the use of school days for family vacations.

    Students absent from school are still responsible for the work missed. Please refer to the Student Handbook for guidelines or see attendance requirements.

  • Please review our Transportation section.

  • Parents, you have a right to know the professional qualifications of your student's classroom teachers.  Contact us directly with any inquiries. You can reach out to your student's teachers directly through our Staff Directory.

  • To graduate, students must acquire a total of twenty-six and one-quarter credits to receive a high school diploma. Senior students must successfully pass and complete all but one-half (1/2) credit of their academic courses to be eligible for graduation regardless of already accumulated credits.

    All students are required to demonstrate proficiency on the NECAP (New England Common Assessment Program) Math, Language Arts, and Writing assessments and complete 80 hours of work-based learning in their industry.

    Click here to learn more about the Rhode Island Diploma System.

  • The ability to monitor your child's grades, attendance, and any assignment information can now be securely viewed from your Internet Browser. We are providing this access through our Skyward Family Access portal feature. This secured access requires an Internet connection and a confidential username and password.


    1. Start at the home page of your Internet browser

    2. Navigate to our school website at -- Choose "For Parents - Skyward" from the top menu

    3. Enter the secure login information shown below:

    Username: parentfirstname.parentlastname


    A password reset link will be emailed to you. Please ensure you have a valid email address in the system to receive this link. You can enter an email address once you try to log in to the portal. The system will prompt you to do this.


    The User ID and password confidentiality is crucial - Do NOT give to other people.

    Please allow teachers time to enter grades.

    This is a privilege for parents/guardians to monitor their child's progress. Any misuse or abuse of this account will result in denial of access.

    Missing assignments may be calculated in a variety of ways. Please check with your child and/or their teacher for the particular policy in the class.

    If questions arise, please communicate with your child, teacher, counselor, or principal.

Parent Engagement

A gold circle with a white star and the letter D in the center, surrounded by four white hands clasped together. The text around the circle reads 'Davies Perc Parent-Educator Relations Committee'.The Parent-Educator Relations Committee (PERC) is a collaborative group of parents, students, teachers, and staff working together to enhance parent involvement and enrich the educational experience at Davies. Your participation can directly impact your child's success and the school community.

Why Join PERC at Davies?
Becoming a part of PERC offers you a unique opportunity to positively influence your child's education while fostering personal growth. As a member, you can:

Stay informed. PERC members are in the loop on the latest happenings and initiatives at Davies.

Build a supportive network. Connect with other parents and educators to share ideas, address concerns, and collaborate on the topics that matter most to you.

Amplify your voice. PERC provides a platform for parents to advocate for meaningful changes at Davies.

See the impact. By getting involved, you become part of the solution, helping to create positive changes in the school community.

Be a role model. Show your child the value you place on their education by actively engaging in their school life.

Join Us!

If you're interested in joining PERC or would like more information, please reach out to Felicia Morrobel, Parent Liaison, at


Bilingual Parent Liaison (Se habla español.)
Felicia Morrobel
401-728-1500, ext. 304


Parent-Educators Relation Committee (PERC), Chairperson
Jax Adele Ventura (Pronouns: Jax or They/Them)
401-728-1500, ext. 237

PERC Information on ParentSquare

Parent Engagement Calendar

Resources from Family Workshops

Thank you to all the families who joined our recent parent workshops! We understand that parenting teens comes with unique challenges, and we’re committed to equipping you with the tools and strategies to navigate them confidently. Below, you’ll find summaries and key takeaways from each session, along with helpful resources.

Parenting Your Teen: Social Issues

This workshop focused on understanding the digital world teens are immersed in, particularly tech communication and its impact on their social lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding Digital Habits: Teens are drawn to digital platforms for connection, entertainment, and self-expression. Recognizing the benefits and pitfalls of this engagement is crucial.
  • Case Study: YouTube: Explored how platforms shape social interactions and influence teen behavior, both positively and negatively.
  • Addressing Cyberbullying & Peer Pressure: Identified ways to support teens in managing online challenges with confidence and resilience.
  • Parenting Strategies:
    • Foster open communication to create a judgment-free space for your teen.
    • Set clear boundaries and guidelines for technology use.
    • Encourage responsible digital citizenship and model positive behavior.

Helpful Resources:

Presentation Document: Parenting Your Teen: Social Issues 

Managing Fear and Anxiety in Children

This session addressed how parents can support their children through anxious moments by first understanding and managing their own emotional responses.

Key Takeaways:

  • Self-Reflection First: Manage your own anxieties to create a calm and reassuring environment for your child.
  • Checking In: Establish regular conversations to understand your child’s feelings and needs.
  • Importance of Structure: Consistent routines and clear expectations provide a sense of safety and stability.
  • Practical Strategies:
    • Teach breathing exercises and mindfulness practices.
    • Offer reassurance without dismissing their fears.
    • Break down overwhelming tasks into manageable steps.

Helpful Resources:

Presentation Document: Managing Fear and Anxiety in Children 

Vaping: What Parents Need to Know

This session addressed the growing crisis of e-cigarette and vaping use among teens.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dangers of Vaping: Vaping poses serious health risks, including lung damage and nicotine addiction.
  • Conversation Starters: Learn how to talk to your teen about the dangers of vaping in an approachable way.
  • Signs of Use: Recognize indicators that your child may be vaping.


Presentation Document: Vaping: What Parents Need to Know 

Too Much Gaming

This workshop focused on recognizing and addressing gaming addiction, a newly recognized behavioral disorder.

Key Takeaways:

  • Distinguishing Play from Addiction: Understand the difference between healthy gaming and gaming addiction.
  • Warning Signs: Learn how to identify gaming addiction, including its impact on social, academic, and personal life.
  • Treatment Options: Explore resources to help teens affected by gaming addiction.


Presentation Document: Too Much Gaming 

Internet Information for Parents

This session tackled the realities of the Internet, emphasizing safety and communication.

Key Takeaways:

  • Internet Literacy: Learn the language of the Internet to better understand your teen’s online world.
  • Spotting Risks: Identify common concerns like instant messaging, social networking, and chat rooms.
  • Safety Strategies: Implement measures to keep your teen safe online while fostering trust and open communication.


Presentation Document: Internet Information for Parents 

We hope these resources empower you to support your teen's social and emotional growth. Stay tuned for future workshops, and feel free to reach out with any questions or suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover!

Together, let’s create a positive and nurturing environment for our teens to thrive!


Próximos Talleres

¡Únete a nuestro próximo Taller para Padres!

SÁBADO 16 DE NOVIEMBRE (Sesión en Español)

8:30am "Criando a tu Adolescente: Problemas Sociales"


En esta sesión, exploraremos el complejo mundo de la comunicación tecnológica entre los adolescentes, brindando conocimientos esenciales sobre por qué los jóvenes están tan enganchados a las plataformas digitales, junto con los pros y contras asociados a su uso.

Profundizaremos en un estudio de caso sobre YouTube para comprender mejor su impacto en los adolescentes y cómo influye en sus interacciones sociales. Abordaremos temas críticos como el ciberacoso y la presión de grupo, discutiendo las preocupaciones comunes que enfrentan los adolescentes en el mundo interconectado de hoy.

Aprenderás técnicas efectivas de crianza para enfrentar estos desafíos con confianza y apoyar el desarrollo social saludable de tu adolescente. Descubre recursos valiosos y estrategias para fomentar una comunicación abierta, establecer límites y promover una ciudadanía digital responsable.

No te pierdas esta oportunidad de adquirir conocimientos prácticos y herramientas que te capacitarán para guiar a tu adolescente a través de la complejidad de los problemas sociales en la era digital. Juntos, fortalezcamos nuestra comprensión y construyamos conexiones más fuertes con nuestros adolescentes.


9:30am "Manejando el Miedo y la Ansiedad en los Niños"


En esta sesión, abordaremos aspectos cruciales de cómo apoyar a nuestros hijos en momentos de ansiedad gestionando primero nuestras propias ansiedades de manera efectiva. Al comprender nuestras reacciones, podemos brindar un entorno estable y tranquilizador para nuestros hijos.

Exploraremos estrategias prácticas para conectarnos con nuestros hijos, fomentar canales de comunicación abiertos y crear un ambiente de apoyo donde se sientan seguros para expresar sus sentimientos. Enfatizando la importancia de la estructura, veremos cómo las rutinas y expectativas claras pueden reducir significativamente la ansiedad y promover el bienestar emocional.

No te pierdas esta oportunidad de obtener conocimientos e ideas valiosas que te permitirán guiar a tus hijos a través de momentos difíciles con confianza y compasión. Juntos, construyamos resiliencia y fomentemos una actitud positiva hacia el futuro de nuestros hijos.

Regístrate con anticipación para este taller gratuito en ParentSquare.


Si tienes alguna pregunta, comunícate con Felicia Morrobel, Enlace Bilingüe para Padres, en o al 401-728-1500 ext. 304.

Student Meal Access

Starting November 1, 2024, all Davies students will receive free breakfast and lunch through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)—no applications or payments required. Families can review the district’s detailed letter for more information.

Meal Availability:

  • Breakfast & Lunch: Available daily to all students.
  • Afternoon Snack: Provided on days when after-school activities/clubs are held, following USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines.

Managing Meal Accounts

For additional meal purchases, families can use MySchoolBucks for a touchless payment option.

  • Register: Create an account on MySchoolBucks, selecting Rhode Island and William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical HS.
  • Add Funds: Link your payment method and deposit money online.
  • Stay Informed: Set up balance alerts and view transaction history.

Why School Breakfast Matters

A nutritious breakfast helps students focus, improves behavior, and enhances academic performance. Encourage your child to start their day with a healthy school breakfast—it's free, convenient, and available to all students!


Acceso a Comidas para Estudiantes

A partir del 1 de noviembre de 2024, todos los estudiantes de Davies recibirán desayuno y almuerzo gratuitos a través de la Disposición de Elegibilidad Comunitaria (CEP), sin necesidad de solicitudes ni pagos. Las familias pueden consultar la carta detallada del distrito para más información.

Disponibilidad de Comidas:

  • Desayuno y Almuerzo: Disponibles diariamente para todos los estudiantes.
  • Merienda de la tarde: Se proporciona los días en que se realizan actividades/clubs extracurriculares, cumpliendo con las normas del Programa de Alimentos para Niños y Adultos (CACFP) del USDA.

Administración de Cuentas de Comida

Para compras adicionales de alimentos, las familias pueden usar MySchoolBucks como una opción de pago sin contacto.

  • Registro: Crea una cuenta en MySchoolBucks, seleccionando Rhode Island y William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical HS.
  • Agregar Fondos: Vincula tu método de pago y deposita dinero en línea.
  • Mantente Informado: Configura alertas de saldo y revisa el historial de transacciones.

Por qué el Desayuno Escolar es Importante

Un desayuno nutritivo ayuda a los estudiantes a concentrarse, mejora el comportamiento y potencia el rendimiento académico. ¡Anima a tu hijo/a a comenzar el día con un desayuno escolar saludable—es gratuito, conveniente y está disponible para todos los estudiantes!

Access MySchoolBucks

Access all free meal forms on ParentSquare

Chartwells Menu


Free School Meal Coordinator (Lunch Forms)
Ryna Mercedes
401-728-1500, ext. 309


USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture 

Non-Discrimination Statement

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S.

Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email:

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.