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Exterior view of William M. Davies, Jr. Career and Technical High School, featuring a brick facade, large windows, and a paved walkway.

The William M. Davies, Jr. Career and Technical High School covers more than 200,000 square feet across our campus in Lincoln, Rhode Island. The school sits behind the CCRI Flanagan Campus and is accessible by Route 123 through two entrances. The school first opened in 1971. An additional north wing was constructed in the early 1990s.


Building Committee





  • In March 2023, the Governor recommended $35 million in financing from the Rhode Island Capital Plan Fund in FY 2024-2026 for Davies construction to replace the original 1971 wing of the building. It is projected that an entire building replacement would cost $120 million. Formerly, Davies was approved for a 9 million dollar Health Careers building and is working on planning. In the June 12, 2023 Board of Trustee meeting, Director Watkins indicated a cost saving of $2 million by combining construction projects. The funds would be appropriated over three years with a combined total of 44.5 million dollars for rehabilitation and new construction of the 70s wing and Health Careers program. Any state structure over 50 years is eligible for remodeling. Davies hopes the new construction, once completed, will bring student learning into a new century and be ready for the next 50 years of learning and growth as the state's premier career and technical education high school. (8/30/2023)
  • In compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Act (AHERA), Davies Tech complies with asbestos re-inspection mandates. Click here to read the report of the most recent re-inspection. All building materials found to contain asbestos are encapsulated or present no danger, and all building materials have been deemed in good condition. (4/6/2018)


Facility Coordinator
Paul Northup
401-728-1500, ext. 249




Asst. Building & Grounds Officer
Jason Campbell
401-728-1500, ext. 328



Facility News