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Academics Overview

Academics Overview

At Davies, it is our goal for all students to receive unsurpassed academic instruction in a safe learning environment. We offer students multiple opportunities to succeed and enrich their knowledge and understanding of the world. We want all students to be college and career ready by offering them access to rigorous academic coursework.


Our curriculum and instruction prepares students to be successful on the PSAT 10 and SAT, which measure college and career readiness. We have established pathways that offer students advanced coursework opportunities (Pre-AP and AP) in each subject area.


Students also have access to higher education through concurrent and dual enrollment offerings. All students have access to earn the Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation, recognizing those students who are proficient in more than one language.


Our mission is to ensure all students receive rigorous academic preparation to accompany their career and technical education in order to create college and career-ready students for tomorrow’s workforce.


Academic Opportunities

Goal: 75% of Davies students will reach both ELA and Math benchmarks by 2025. (Resource: Khan Academy - Free to sign up and used at Davies. KhanAcademy)


PSAT 10 -10th grade -Free opportunity for all 10th graders to help prepare them for the SAT.
PSAT 10 Benchmarks EBRW - 430 Math - 480


SAT -11th grade -Free opportunity for all 11th graders to help prepare students for college or career.
SAT Benchmarks EBRW - 480 Math - 530


Advanced Placement (AP) Courses - Courses that offer college-level curricula with an opportunity to earn college credits if students pass the AP Exam.


Concurrent / Dual Enrollment - An opportunity to take a college-level course and earn college credits.


Seal of Biliteracy - Earn the endorsement on your diploma by meeting benchmarks on a state-approved ELA assessment AND Language assessment.


National Honor Society - The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.


Academic Recovery Classes

The purpose of the Davies Academic Recovery Classes is to provide additional instructional time in core academic subjects—such as English, math, social studies, science, and reading—for students with a class average of 69 or below. These classes offer targeted and intensive support, along with effective interventions for students facing challenges. The primary goal of the Academic Recovery Classes is to enhance and develop the reading, writing, and math skills necessary for success in core subject areas where the student requires additional assistance. Participation in these classes may also be included as part of an Intervention/Behavior Plan, Individualized Education Program (IEP), or 504 Plan. For any inquiries, please contact the School Counselors’ Department.

Program of Studies




The English Department

The English Department has designed a comprehensive curriculum aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Each year, students engage with both fiction and nonfiction texts and develop their writing skills through argumentative, informative/explanatory, and narrative essays. Our primary objective is to cultivate strong reading and writing abilities, ensuring students are prepared for both college and career success. We emphasize critical thinking and effective communication throughout the curriculum.

In the 2015-2016 school year, we introduced Advanced Placement (AP) Literature and Composition for 12th-grade students. Starting in the 2016-2017 school year, we plan to expand our AP offerings with Advanced Placement Language and Composition for 11th-grade students. These AP courses provide students the opportunity to earn up to three college credits per course while still at Davies.

Additionally, the department hosts an after-school Writing Center to support students with writing assignments across all subjects.

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The Math Department

The mathematics curriculum is designed to cultivate mathematically proficient students who can thoroughly analyze problems, identify appropriate entry points for solutions, and apply their mathematical knowledge effectively. Students are encouraged to make conjectures regarding the form and meaning of a solution, planning a solution pathway rather than immediately attempting a resolution.

Through this approach, students will learn to break down problems into manageable steps, assess the meaning of their solutions, and determine whether their answers are contextually valid. They will use assumptions, definitions, and prior knowledge to construct logical arguments, form conjectures, and explore their validity. Students will then justify their conclusions, communicate their findings, and engage constructively with the arguments of others. They will be able to evaluate multiple approaches to a problem, identify flawed reasoning, and explain its shortcomings.

Additionally, students will learn to apply their mathematical knowledge to real-world problems in daily life, society, and the workplace. They will identify key quantities in practical situations and use tools such as diagrams, tables, graphs, flowcharts, and formulas to map relationships. Mathematically proficient students consider a range of tools—pencil and paper, rulers, calculators, spreadsheets, algebraic software, statistical packages, and dynamic geometry tools—when solving problems.

Furthermore, students are encouraged to communicate precisely, using appropriate mathematical terminology in discussions and reasoning. They will continuously evaluate the accuracy and relevance of their intermediate results to ensure the soundness of their solutions. 

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The Physical Education Department

The Physical Education program at Davies includes health education and various electives, such as weight training and conditioning. Health courses aim to equip students with essential skills for managing stress, recognizing signs of mental disorders, identifying risky behaviors, and fostering a positive self-image. Additionally, students will explore topics such as relationship abuse, life stages, and how to access healthcare for themselves and their families, addressing key issues relevant to adolescents.

Physical education is a mandatory graduation requirement in Rhode Island. Students must dress appropriately, although no specific colors or uniforms are required. Each student should come to class wearing a jersey, shorts, socks, sneakers, or other attire deemed suitable by the instructor to ensure safety and compliance with health regulations. A physician's note detailing the reason and duration must be submitted to the nurse's office if a student requires a medical exemption from any course, including physical education.

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At Davies, the Board of Trustees and staff regard reading as a crucial skill for all students to become successful citizens. Students identified as reading below grade level through our screening process will be required to participate in Reading classes each year until they achieve the appropriate reading level. For those assigned to Reading classes, Personal Literacy Plans (PLPs) will be developed and discussed with parents for any student who tests more than one grade level below on second-tier assessments administered in class. 

Progress in comprehension skills, vocabulary development, phonemic awareness, and fluency will be monitored. Additionally, students will focus on enhancing their sentence and paragraph structure and writing skills. A variety of instructional strategies will be employed, including computerized comprehension and vocabulary programs and resources from Science Research Associates. 

Students are expected to complete weekly homework by reading from teacher-approved texts and reporting on their reading progress. In grade 9, Reading classes may occur every day, while in grades 10-12, they may be scheduled for one period on alternate weeks, contingent on standardized pre- and post-testing results.

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The Science Department

High-quality science instruction equips students with the knowledge and skills required to thrive as problem-solvers in an increasingly scientific and technological world. At Davies, students engage in inquiry-based learning through hands-on investigations, which serve as a foundation for developing essential scientific skills. This process enables students to formulate questions, design experiments, collect and analyze data, and use evidence to draw informed conclusions. Over time, students will cultivate a deeper understanding of core scientific concepts through a curriculum aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.

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The Social Studies Department

The Social Studies Department provides students with a rigorous, academically grounded program that leverages technology and targeted instruction to cultivate analytical and writing skills essential for success in college and professional environments. The curriculum is designed to enable students to critically engage with both historical and contemporary issues. Furthermore, students will learn to assess primary source documents for their relevance to specific interpretive challenges, as well as their reliability and significance in historical context.

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The World Language Department

The World Language Department at Davies is dedicated to equipping students with the skills necessary to thrive in a multilingual environment that appreciates diverse cultures, aiming to foster functional proficiency in world languages. Instruction is available in Spanish and Portuguese, utilizing a proficiency-based curriculum that prepares students to apply their language skills in real-life contexts. Our educators leverage technology and engaging resources to effectively cater to the diverse needs of all learners.

The World Languages Department is committed to providing an inclusive program that meets the varied needs of students, regardless of their language ability. We believe that every student has the potential to learn a world language, acknowledging that proficiency levels may differ among individuals. As such, our program is designed with flexibility, ensuring that each course has clear objectives to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, while allowing for varying emphasis based on specific course requirements.

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