1.1 Authority
The Davies Board of Trustees has the authority to adopt an academic eligibility policy for all student-athletes at Wm. M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School. The Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL) sets the minimum standard for academic eligibility, however, member schools and their governing bodies may adopt higher and more demanding eligibility requirements for local use (RIIL Rules and Regulations, Article 3).
1.2 Definitions
Academic Recovery (AR) - means classes to provide additional instruction time in core academic subjects (english, math, social studies, science, and reading) for students who have a class average of a 69 or below; therefore providing targeted, intensive support and effective interventions for students who are failing. The hopeful outcome of the Davies Academic Recovery classes is the enhancement and broadening of the reading, writing, and math skills necessary to succeed in the core subject area(s).
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Courses - means courses that are associated with a student career and technical area. Each career and technical course is weighted at three (3) full credits towards graduation requirements during the 10th, 11th, and 12th year of enrollment at Davies. Grade 9 career and technical courses are weighted at one (1) full credit towards graduation requirements at Davies.
Eligible - means students have earned the privilege to play in league and non-league games during a sports season.
Failing Grade - means any earned quarter of final grade of 69 or below.
Ineligible - means students do not qualify to play in league or non-league games during a sports season, nor do they have the privilege of being issued a uniform or being officially or unofficially added to the team roster.
Passing Grade - means any earned quarter of final grade of 70 or above.
1.3 Eligibility status Based Upon Course Failure
The athlete must be a full-time student taking a course load of between 6.75 and 7.0 credits per quarter.