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Meet Allyson O'Regan: Davies SkillsUSA Reporter

Posted Date: 3/20/25 (5:55 PM)

Meet Allyson O'Regan, the Davies SkillsUSA Reporter. She is pictured wearing a white and black dress shirt and black dress pants. She is sitting on a rock. See information below picture to learn more.
Meet Allyson O'Regan! The Davies SkillsUSA Reporter 

Her role: As one of the two reporters she creates all of the media posts and keeps the public updated on what great accomplishments and events Davies SkillsUSA has.

Her SkillsUSA experience: This is her second year competing in SkillsUSA and it has taught her so many valuable life skills. She’s been competing in the Prepared Speech competition for the last two years and won Gold in the State last year getting to go to Atlanta, Georgia for Nationals. This year she ran to become a SkillsUSA RI State Officer. She owes all of her success in SkillsUSA to her Health Careers teachers.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from participating in SkillsUSA? Allyson: The most important lesson I’ve learned from participating in SkillsUSA is to truly enjoy every moment of the experience. Whether it’s competing, working with a team, or learning new skills, I’ve come to appreciate the journey. I’ve also discovered so much about my own capabilities—realizing just how much I can push myself and accomplish when I step outside my comfort zone.

If you have any questions for Allyson please contact her at: