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Meet Giovanna Vernancio: Davies SkillsUSA Fundraising Chair

Posted Date: 3/14/25 (11:30 AM)

Giovanna is pictured in a car wearing a bright red top with her brown hair down on her shoulders. Please see info underneath picture

Meet Giovanna Vernancio! The Davies SkillsUSA Fundraising Chair 

Her role: 
As one of the two fundraising chairs for our Davies chapter, She works closely with other team members to come up with fundraisers, large and small, to fund our students going to Nationals. The chairs work hard to reduce the cost of going to these competitions as much as possible.

Her SkillsUSA experience: She became interested in SkillsUSA last year when she competed in a Childcare competition. She didn’t know a lot about Skills and how much of an impact it can create on students' futures. She joined the Davies Chapter to encourage others to compete. While she didn’t place last year she was extremely excited to just be able to compete. 

What was your best experience in SkillsUSA so far and why?
My best experience so far has been the competition itself, which showed me how incredible it is to be part of SkillsUSA.

If you have any questions for Giovanna please contact her at: